
So, I’m writing you to let you know that I am doing something that I’ve never even heard of any headshot photographer doing ever before.

Sound a bit crazy?  Maybe so, but crazy can also mean crazy awesome.

So what is this crazy but awesome thing?  If you’re an actor trying to get better representation and secure more, bigger, better auditions, then you know one of the biggest factors is your headshot.  Do they pop? Are they specific?  Do you have all the looks you need?  Do they look like you?   Are they working? Yada yada yada…

You might be thinking “Perhaps not…but gimmie a break!  Headshots are mad expensive!  Especially good ones!”


Actors and other photographers keep telling me to raise my rates.  I could easily charge more, work less, and still make the same amount of money.

But the thing is I LOVE actors (ya know, cuz I am one myself).  I love helping other actors see and believe they have the tools to make it big and achieve everything they want.  I love getting actors excited about going out into the industry, taking action with their careers AND actually getting that great agent or that big audition.  And not just a few actors, but lots of actors, grabbing the bull by the horn and WINNING!  (Yes, I went there.)

Giving actors the best headshots they can find (and that they’ll love and use and flaunt and celebrate), without going broke, is an absolute passion of mine.  Some might even say, it’s an obsession.  I wish I had found a photographer like myself, especially when I was starting out (and not to brag, but I still wish I could go to someone just like me to take my headshots.  That’s just my truth, yo.)

Starting June 4th my rates will indeed be going up, significantly. 

HOWEVER, for a few people such as yourself, you can actually lock in the old rate for a YEAR longer, even if you don’t want to pay for your shoot for the next 12 months.  Now I can only make this available to thirteen people (in order to keep it manageable and best serve my clients).  (It was fourteen, but one person locked down their shoot last night after I tweeted  about it!)  There is no deadline to grab your spot—once those thirteen remaining spots are gone, they’re gone.

If you’ve had an inkling that I could give you headshots that will get you better representation or better auditions, then just respond to this email.  Your email can be totally blank, or write whatever you like!

You will receive all the details of how to get headshots at the old low rate, even if you don’t feel like paying for a shoot for 12 more months from now.

Thank you so much,

